How To Apply:
1316 Total Clock Hours
666 Didactic / 650 Clinical Hours
53 weeks
Completed Application and Entrance Exam (non-refundable $50.00 Fee)
- Entrance exam passed with 70%
- Be 18 years of age
- Be of good mental and physical health and able to lift and carry at least 100lbs.
- Be a U.S. Citizen or have a legal right to work in the U.S.
- View O*Net Online

- Valid Email Address and regular access to a computer
- High School diploma or G.E.D.
- Castlebranch Background Check/Family Care Registry
- Castlebranch 7-Panel Drug Screen (Negative within 6 months from start of class, may be subject to additional screening during course)
- Valid Missouri EMT License
- Valid BLS Card
“To prepare Paramedics who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession.”
The Paramedic Education Program provides an excellent educational experience for qualified candidates, preparing them to become top-notch Advanced Life Support practitioners in their role as a Paramedic. The program includes an academically rigorous didactic (classroom) phase, a clinical program based on the skills taught, and provides an environment that builds and shapes the students. Once the candidates have completed the program, they will be ready to meet the challenges associated with pre-hospital care and function as an integral part of an EMS system.
The Paramedic education program covers all emergency medical concepts and techniques currently considered to be within the responsibilities of the Paramedic providing emergency care in a pre-hospital setting as set forth by the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the State of Missouri. This program meets or exceeds curriculum standards established by most current National Education Standards published by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Missouri Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. The education program will also cover topics related to future trends and care methodologies in emergency medicine.
- Demonstrate an awareness of abilities and limitations.
- Have the ability to relate to people.
- Have the capacity to make rational patient care decisions under stress.
- Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing.
Student must complete all clinical time in addition to course work to receive a successful course completion.
- Total Program Clinical Hours: 650 (350 Ambulance / 300 Hospital)
- Copy of Driver’s License
- Current Health Insurance
- Medical Liability Insurance
- Immunizations
- Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Testing (TB Test)
- 2-step TB skin test: placements of test 1 and test 2 must be separated by at least 7 days; both tests must be within the last 12 months and Must be annually tested once every 12 months after initial 2 step testing or negative TB Blood Test (QFT or T-spot) must be completed within the last 12 months
- Hepatitis B Series
- In progress or verification of completion (series of 3- must have at least #2 prior to having patient contact)
- Positive titer with date of test OR documentation of 2 immunizations (one after 1980)
- Varicella
- 2 vaccines one month apart OR positive titer
- Flu
- Exemption or annual documentation of vaccination
- COVID-19
- Exemption or documentation
- Tetanus Diphtheria (Td) or (Tdap)
- Within 10-years
- Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Testing (TB Test)